Please enter your child's club registration number and choose the level achieved on the form on the right.
Please only purchase a badge if your child has come home from club with a slip from their coach saying that they have passed that award.
As we are currently moving from our old BG badge system to the new IGA badges we will initially be using up and handing out the old BG bagdes at the start of 2022 until all stock is depleted, before starting to hand out these new IGA badges.
Gymnastics Badge System:
The Gymnastics badges for some reason go in reverse order, from -
Badge 15 up to 1, with Badge 15 being the simplest and Badge 1 the hardest.
When your child first joins we will assess their gymnastics level and experience and put them onto the Badge that we feel is appropriate for them to start working on.
After the main 15 Badges children work on Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards which are harder still and aparatus specific. The extended squad groups may sometimes also work on these advanced awards while they are still working through Badge 3 - 1.